Last Saturday, East Berks Scrabble Club had the opportunity to promote ourselves at a ‘Clubs and Activities’ event in Bracknell.

There were about 20 or so other exhibitors including U3A, Wildlife Groups, various dance groups, singing groups and a ukulele band.
We had great fun chatting to everyone that came by – there were of course some people not interested in Scrabble, but others we lured in with our ‘interactive’ boards. We invited people to find the highest scoring word on each of 2 boards. Many got nowhere near, but that wasn’t the point. We could see their vocabulary level and gauge strength by what they played.
We gave out leaflets, lots of leaflets, and took names of those 7-8 people who were really, really keen. So on the basis of the publicity alone we are hopeful of seeing 3-4 visitors over the next few weeks.
Here are the three puzzles we set :
What is the highest score you can achieve on each board, and what are the 3 anagrams of ACEHLST ? Answers at the end...

Answers coming soon
Board 1 (Z)
Highest score ZEBRA Column B, row 10 down making BONE - 78 points
Board 2 (Q)
Highest score EQUATION played through the O of FOXES for 86 points.
ACEHLST anagrams