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Over the weekend of the 27-29 January, 6 East Berks Players travelled to Shanklin, Isle of Wight to take part in two 10-game Scrabble tournaments.

There were 44 players taking part from mainly Southern England, but there were players from further afield including Staffordshire and the Isle of Man.

Players were split into 4 all-play-all divisions, with promotion and relegation for the top and bottom two prior to the second tournament.

For the first tournament Richard and Graham played in A, Wanda and Helen played in B. Maureen played in C and Pat in D. The fixture computer had a sense of humour as one point Richard was playing Graham when Wanda was playing Helen. We thank Steve Perry for taking this photo with all 4 players deep in thought!



At the end of the first tournament, prizes were awarded for the top 3 in each division. Helen, despite a poor start, arranged to win 6 games and secure a small monetary prize for third place. Maureen unfortunately had a poor set of results and was relegated joining Pat in Division D for the second set of 10 games.

The movement of players meant everyone had a few different opponents for the second tournament. This didn’t make the games any easier though! Everyone struggled initially, but Helen and Richard put together a winning streak of games late on to bolster their respective positions. Helen just fell short of finishing 3rd again in Division B, but Richard overcame strong opposition to finish third in Division A. 

Here is Richard receiving his prize from Steve Perry.



All in a good weekend, great food, fine views across the sea… just the Scrabble could have been better for one or two of us.