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Over the Easter weekend there were 2 back-to-back tournaments held in the Holiday Inn, Coventry.

The main event was a 23 game tournament starting on Saturday afternoon. Helen and Graham only played in the 11 game Warmup event starting on Good Friday.


The tournament was run as round-robin groups of 12. Based on initial rating, Graham was 11th out of 12 in division A that included several players of World Class standard and he won 4 games finishing 8th. His best game was one he lost with a score of 480 !


Helen played in B and, based on her initial rating the 2nd best in the Division.  This Division was very tight ratings-wise as there were only 12 points of rating between top and bottom - anyone could win any game! After a couple of early losses Helen won all but one of her remaining games, including a narrow 3 point win, and managed to win her division. Her top score was a whopping 563 points! Well done Helen!